Luka Vatican is at the prime of his life having political influences in one of the largest capitals in the world. With power comes riches, he soon falls into an obsession with blonde Fae males, risking his immaculate image.

Mari has been a Fae-slave all his life. Numbed by the emotional and physical toll that life has thrown at him. A new customer gets his master all shaken and he is thrust into the dynamic world of the Pixie Capital.

Ken Cook, Goodreads - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“An alt-world where pixies rule, fae and humans populate too. Burlyn, the seat of government is the main setting, with short episodes in The Pits. Luka, a younger pixie, has become the Vatican, the leader, bringing about reform and change following a conflict that diminished society. His addictions surface near the end of his days, the more alarming being blond fae, which he runs through like toilet paper. From The Pits his staff hires Mari, a druggie, who captures the bachelor's soul.

Wolf has developed an intriguing world, with a striking political culture. The Vatican has his immediate staff of Katze (security bodyguard originally from The Pits), Gustav (PR wizard) and the evil Gerald the finance guy, as well as his twin sister. Wolf develops these characters to advance the plot, but ends the novel in a cliffhanger..”

